Έτοιμο παράμαλλο assist για Slow Jigging. Διαθέτει τρία αγκίστρια ώστε να χρειάζεται ένα μόνο παράμαλλο σε κάθε πλάνο, που προσαρμόζεται στο μπροστινό του μέρος. Είναι δεμένο...
The top reel from Pregio concerning reels with double brakes. For a start it is made from high quality materials and has a reinforced graphite body which does not have the...
New surf casting rod from Pregio series "Nautilus".
Pregio Nautilus is a powerful Surf Casting rod of 6 sections with aggressive character and able to fish with every...
Fishing Rods Pregio Icarus-200 4,20m 100-200gr 15-351 The new fishing rods from Pregio, that combine unique quality construction with incredible price!
Length m...
The ORG is an extension of the Oval which allows for float adjustment on the line using its float-stop system. Given the same look as products from the oval and bubble range.
Hayabusa is a production company that has hooks indissoluble bond with the high quality that characterizes the Japanese method of construction! It is also one of the most...
Before the releasing, Honest reel was fished intensively, by Christos himself and by colleagues in the field, in order to be sure that the specific mechanism can not only meet...
Hooks BALZER are sharpened and pointed in chemical processes which make them free of grooves and uneven spots and the shock-tempered steel gives them enormous resilience as...