The new fishing rods from Pregio, that combines unique quality construction with incredible price! This rod shows every bite even in a big depth. It has fast action and great...
Reed Casting - Surf Casting by Pregio.
You asked for it and we made it a reality! You wanted a quality rod that didn't cost too much, but had a shorter transport length to...
The concept behind the development of the Hayabusa Free Slide is that it creates a complex water flow behind the head, to assist the movement of the silicone tie.
One more complete rod series for general use from Pregio this time. These are low cost rods and have a good quality serving anglers in many different techniques such as...
New beads from Pregio for use in lure rigging such as tai rubber, hitotsu tenya rigging, as well as in surf casting rigging! Excellent reflective ability, even in low light...
The lure that started it all is still the number one "go-to" lure. Whether twitched on top as a surface bait, retrieved as a shallow runner, weighted with a split shot for...
Each fish, big or small, a dream or common fish, always comes to us because of the hook. But many fish are lost and the reason is that this very important piece of equipment is...